Good morning everybody and happy hump day!
After the unexpected surprise of good blood count numbers on Monday and the subsequent beginning of my stem cells collection, we eventually got back to reality. Oh no worry, nothing is wrong, everything is just normal. We just got a little bit over excited after the good numbers, that is all.
Indeed on Monday, labs showed that I had enough stem cells in my blood stream to start the collection process (although my doc expected otherwise). Therefore, I naively started to think that the collection process would be a one-day thing. Well… Today is day number three! But hopefully it is the last day.
The overall process lasts between five to six hours. It is a long time. But you know what, that gives my wife and I an opportunity for a date. Of course, nothing too fancy or too intimate – we are in a cancer center duh – but still, this is a date!
Both working, one teenager and two toddlers make our life kind of a little bit busy. So any time without the kids and off work is always a precious time for us. Yes there are more romantic venues than a cancer center indeed. But you know what, we don’t really care right now. I think Love is beyond that. And our relationship has grown so stronger thanks to this journey.
I love my wife. You have no idea (but I think she does). Even if our dates are not sophisticated, they are meaningful. We may not speak a lot during these long hours (did I mention that my wife just became addicted this week to the new series ‘Orange is the new black‘ on Netflix?), but simply being together no matter the circumstances is a priceless feeling for us. And every time I look at her, I fall in love again.
Okay, I am going to stop here as I suspect she will tell me later that I am telling too much… For now, no worry, she just started to watch a new episode on her phone 🙂
See you for the next story.
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