First, good morning everybody.
Hope you had a great weekend and your week started off well.With my lovely wife Rita, we have been at the cancer center since 0730am. I got blood drawn in order to check my stem cells levels, and they are good, like very good (which was not expected for my type of disease). I guess the boosting worked pretty well over the weekend.
Bastille Day has therefore a very special flavor for me this year. No military parade on the Champs Élysées in Paris, although I could tell you about some sailors stories about that week we spent in Paris to prepare the parade with the Naval Academy, but it will not be very appropriate… But instead, this year, it is a huge fleet of stems cells in good marching order that will parade in my blood stream, my veins, then in this big machine.
What a way to celebrate Bastille Day! There couldn’t be any better way for me this year.
All right. Just got the machine hooked up. It is going to be at least a 5-hour process, which gives me time for a good nap.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
See you for the next story.
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