“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.”
Heb. 11:1
In other words, “hope is important but hope lacks substance until filled with faith. HOPE is only a goal setter. […] Faith gives substance to Hope.”
I came across this scripture and text in the booklet “God’s Creative Power For Healing” by Charles Capps, that was given to me by a friend that went through prostate cancer. This booklet had been a powerful way for him to set his own healing through the Word of God. It has inspired me as well for my own healing process and my faith journey.
During my cancer journey, I found that I was very fortunate to live in the US, where I could access some of the most advanced treatments that were not available yet in Europe. More than treatment opportunities, the USA mean much more to me, and I am proud to be contribute at my level to the greatness of this country. Today’s song is one of the most beautiful song about this great country, and it is the live version by Bruce Sringsteen – of course (the original song was written by Woody Guthrie in 1940). The version on Youtube is slightly different than the one on Itunes (which I prefer).
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