Day+1 And Pics From Day 0

Good morning everyone!

What a humbling experience it was yesterday, the day I got my stem cells back and was granted a new life. I woke up pretty stressed out, but found peace during the day and napped throughout almost the whole process. This calm time helped me realize the huge new life opportunity I was given. I was surrounded by my Angel wife and my great nurses, while my mom in Lourdes was praying so deeply for us. The whole experience was just perfect and so meaningful.

I still don’t really know what to think about it. I feel like I don’t want to push my new me too much as matter of respect for this new life I was just offered. I just want to enjoy it, one step at a time. Slowly. Such a new feeling.

You know what new feeling my family is currently experiencing? Weird smell from me… Indeed, the preservative that is in the stem cells bags makes the patient smell like a sour garlicky marinara sauce. Yes, this is true. My lovely wife has been struggling with kissing me all day because of this terrible smell. But you know what, that’s okay, I have a new life! A very smelly one, but a new one!

Thank you again to all of you for continuous and overwhelming support.

I dedicate this new birth to Sego who, in France, is fighting a leukemia relapse. May the force of the remission be with you and the power of the Holy Spirit surround you so you can be cured and able to live a normal and healthy life with your husband and your little girl.

See you for the next story.

My amazing nurses
My amazing nurses

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