Sunday Motivation

The other day I started to write a post about how my approach on religion and my relationship with God changed during this journey. I thought I had things clear in my mind, but after one hour, I came to the conclusion that it was more complicated than I first thought to explain in details. It really bothered me because I wanted to share what helped me, so it could be helpful for others. Then I remembered that during my stem cell transplant, I used to do Sunday Motivation posts to share things that helped and inspired me in a religious way. So here we are again!

What triggered my mind this time was a quote that stands in the main hallway at the hospital where my amazing wife works (the actual story of the health group to which the hospital belongs to is very inspiring too). It sums up my journey with God over the last two years, something between the reality of a rational world where the medical field gave me the initial push towards Remission, but also where God, in the end, holds my destiny in His hands.

May He heal all of those who are still battling, in particular Sam, Sego and Shericka.


As I was realizing that I could share the above in a Sunday Motivation post, this song popped up on my playlist on my phone. I recently downloaded it after I heard it – along with other French songs – in an ice cream shop. That song spoke to me as I always think about the seas and the oceans. I have been a sailor for 10 years of my life, and the sailor thing is still well stuck right under my skin. So this kind of song helps me to calmly remain ashore until my next time underway on the beautiful seas of our planet (or maybe just on the Chesapeake Bay ;-). Anyway, this song – La Mer – was first wrote by Charles Trenet, a very famous French singer from last century. This version is from Cyntia M. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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