A New Cycle

Good morning all.

Pretty early here. I got up at 5am to drive my father-in-law to the airport. With him now gone, this is the beginning of a new cycle.

It all started four weeks ago. At that time, I was at the airport too. To pick up my sister, then my dad, who would stay with us for the first part of this journey. Two days later, I began high dose chemo, followed by stem cells transplant. This is when I slowly became very fatigued and when the presence of our family became so important. Although my lovely wife Rita is the champion of the champions, the support of our family was a critical key part of the success of this journey. While she was taking care of the kids and the house, family would take care of me and my daily medical appointments, and help Rita when back at the house.

My sister stayed with us for one week, my dad stayed a little bit longer, but when it was time for him to fly back to France, my mother-in-law took over the duties, at the time I was not in the best shape. Then when I started to feel better, it was time for my father-in-law to take the watch. And now, 27 days after it all started, this is my turn: I am well enough to finally drive my father-in-law to the airport at 0530 in the morning! Who would have thought it would be possible when just 10 days ago the only thing I was able to do was sleep all day. Thank you Grandpa, I have the watch now.

There is no words to say how grateful we are for our family and for what they have just done for us. If cancer has done some positive things, it sure did bring our family together. All united, we won the war over cancer and we ended one cycle. Thank you sweet family from the deepest of our hearts for being our Angels during this critical month.

Now a new cycle begins. The one when I am cured and I am writing on brand new blank pages, with my wife and my Lou Pitchoun. Let’s do it! Life doesn’t wait.

See you for the next story.

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